Revolutionizing Dental Care with Saveetha's Laser Technology

The Department of Periodontics at Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, recently concluded the fourth edition of its Laser Dentistry Certificate Program. The program spanned three days, from April 24th to April 26th, 2023, and saw participation from six general dental practitioners hailing from various districts in Tamilnadu and Kerala.

The program commenced on day one with an extensive series of lectures on Laser Physics, Laser tissue interaction, Laser safety, and Low-level laser therapy. This was followed by preclinical training with a range of dental laser systems. Over the next two days, participants received hands-on training with patients, performing a range of procedures such as Gingivectomy, Frenectomy, Depigmentation, Operculectomy, Tongue tie management, Fibroma excision, Root canal disinfection, Implant exposure, Laser-assisted bleaching, among others.

The participants were thrilled with the one-on-one clinical training and expressed their satisfaction with the program. They are now confident in their abilities to practice Laser Dentistry independently.




International Conference On Innovations In Molecular Medicine And Translational Research (ICMTR – 2023)