Dean of International Affairs: Dr. Lakshmi Thangavelu, Ph.D
Dr. Lakshmi Thangavelu has completed her Ph.D. in Medical Pharmacology at Saveetha and has completed her Training programme in Regenerative Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada. She was appointed as Associate Dean of External affairs in 2017 and then appointed as Associate Dean of International affairs in 2018, during her tenure she made remarkable achievements of signing around 100 MoUs including International and National, Industries. She also organised around 156 students for the Student mobility program Inbound and outbound. She has published around 300 papers in peer reviewed indexed international journals indexed in Scopus and has a Cumulative Impact Factor of 60 in Thomson Reuters. She is serving as Peer reviewer in BMC, Nature.Com Journals and associate editor in Journal of Pharmacy education & research indexed in Scopus.
Dr.P. Thenmozhi
Associate Dean of International Affairs: Saveetha College of Nursing
Dr. Thenmozhi.P obtained her both Ph.D in Nursing in 2019 and M.Sc(N) in 2009 from Saveetha University. She has more than seventeen years of profound knowledge and experience in teaching and research in the field of Medical Surgical Nursing. She published more than 60 articles in reputed journals. She was the recipient of Best Young Achiever Award in 2019 and Best Researcher Award in 2020. She received an Appreciation Award for her recognition and commendable services in Saveetha College of Nursing in the occasion of Silver Jubilee Celebration.
Ms. Aswathy Prakash G
Associate Dean of International Affairs: Saveetha School of Law
Ms. Aswathy Prakash G comes from a diverse background of teaching and In-House Legal role with reputed organisations. She holds a Masters in Law (Corporate Law) from Osmania University, Hyderabad and a Bachelor of Laws from School Of Indian Legal Thought, M.G University, Kottayam. She also has two Postgraduate Diplomas (one in Patent Laws and other in Cyber Laws) from NALSAR University, Hyderabad. She has qualified the UGC State Eligibility Test and is currently pursuing PhD in Cyber Laws.As an Assistant Professor at Saveetha School of Law, she is extensively involved in mentoring the students, curriculum development, Coordinating student exchange programs and organising workshops, seminars and International Conferences in contemporary legal studies. "

AIMST UNIVERSITY ,Malaysia Signed MOU with SIMATS for Student Exchange Program

AIMST UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR-Exchange of MOU for joint Degree Program with SIMATS

AJMAN UNIVERSITY, UAE Signed MOU with SIMATS for Student and Faculty exchange Program

Asian Metropolitan University,Malaysia signed MOU with SIMATS for Nursing and Management Programs

UNIVERSITY OF BAHIRDAR, Ethiopia joined hands with SIMATS for Research Collaborations

UNIVERSITI Brunei Darussalam Signed MOU with SIMATS for International Grants and Research Collaborations

University of Turkey: SDC and University of Turkey singed an international MOUS. Dr.Bhullar represented Turkey and conducted an FDP for students and faculty of SDC.

Curtin University, Australia Joined hands with SIMATS for Engineering and Health Sciences Program

European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry signed MOU with SIMATS for Fellowship Program

Gulf Medical University, UAE signed MOU with SIMATS for Student exchange Program

Research Collaborations with University of Illinois, Washington DC , USA

University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa signed MOU with SIMATS for Faculty exchange and joint PHD Program

Kyunghee University Dental School signed MOU with Saveetha Dental College for Faculty exchange Progam

Kyunghee University Dental School signed MOU with Saveetha Dental College for Student exchange Program and Research Collaborations Program

Kyungpook National University signed MOU with Saveetha Dental College,SIMATS for Student and faculty exchange Program

kuwait Institute of Scientific Research signed MOU with SIMATS for Research Collaborations

Harvard Dental School , USA signed MOU with Saveetha Dental College for Faculty exchange Program and Multi Centric Trial

University of Hong-Kong and Lions Club International signed MOU for Multi Centric Project and Student exchange Program

Mahsa University , Malaysia signed MOU with SIMATS for Student and faculty exchange Program

Mekkle University , Ethiopia signed MOU with Saveetha Dental College,SIMATS for Research Collaborations

Murdoch University, Western Australia signed MOU with Saveetha School of Law,SIMATS for Student and faculty exchange Program

Nottingham trent University signed MOU with SIMATS for Student and faculty exchange Program in Law, Engineering,Management

Pusan national University, South Korea signed MOU with Saveetha Dental College,SIMATS for Student and faculty exchange Program

RAK University of Health Sciences,UAE signed MOU withSIMATS for Student and faculty exchange Program

Shanghai jio Tong University signed MOU with Saveetha Dental College,SIMATS for Research Collaborations

Silpakorn University, Thailand signed MOU with SIMATS for Student and faculty exchange Program

Thaskent Dental School signed MOU with Saveetha Dental College,SIMATS for Student and faculty exchange Program

University Sains Malaysia signed MOU with SIMATS for Student and faculty exchange Program

University of Dundee , UK signed MOU with SIMATS for Student and faculty exchange Program and Dual Degree Program in Dentistry.

University of Plymouth ,UK signed MOU with SIMATS for Student and faculty exchange Program.

University Technology Sydney,Australia signed MOU withSIMATS for faculty exchange Program and Research Collaborations.

University Teknologi Maara Malaysia signed MOU with Saveetha Dental College,SIMATS for Student and faculty exchange Program

Ministry of Sports and Health,Myanmar signed MOU with SIMATS for Student and faculty exchange Program

Srinakharinwirot University,Thailand signed MOU with SIMATS for Student and faculty exchange Program

Chiang Mai University Dental School signed MOU with Saveetha Dental College,SIMATS for Student and faculty exchange Program
VELS University School of Pharmacy Signed MOU with SIMATS for Collaborative Research

AMITY University School of Pharmacy Signed MOU with SIMATS for Collaborative Research
Dr.ALM PG IBMS, Tharamani , University of Madras Signed MOU for Collaborative research
CRESCENT UNIVERSITY Signed MOU with SIMATS for Collaborative Research
VS Clinical Research Signed MOU for Collaborative research Projects
Twin Tech Academy Signed MOU for Curriculum Development Program
Bio-Scaffold International Pte Ltd,Singapore Signed MOU for Dental Materials 3D Printing Technologies.
Rotary Club Signed MOU with SIMATS for Community Health Projects

Reginex Pvt Ltd Signed MOU for Collaborative research Projects
Red Cross Signed MOU for Community Health Projects

Marina Labs Signed MOU for Collaborative Research projects

Margadarsi training center Signed MOU for student Counselling related Projects
Life care Phyto labs signed MOU for Herbal Research projects

Jeyagan Biolabs Signed MOU for Collaborative Research projects

Hi-rise Food labs Signed MOU for Collaborative Research projects

GKRi8 Adelaide, Australia Signed MOU for Implant Training
Fhyzics Pvt Ltd Signed MOU for Skill Development Programs for Students
Enable Bio-Labs Signed MOU for Collaborative Research
Biozone Research technologies Signed MOU for Student Training Research Projects
Biovnovem Signed MOU for Bioinformatics related Projects
Biogen Signed MOU for Student Research Projects

Builder Association of India Signed MOU for Community Health Project
Baba clinical & Geonomic Research Signed MOU for Student training Projects

Apex labourites Signed MOU for Collaborative research

Aaranaya Biosciences Signed MOU for Student Training Projects

Theivanaiammal College for Women Signed MOU for Collaborative Research Projects
University of Paredeniya, Srilanka Signed Mou with Saveetha Dental College& Hospitals for Student exchange Program.

Universitas Indonesia, The Republic Of Indonesia Signed Mou with Saveetha Dental College& Hospitals for Student exchange Program& Research Collaboration
COLLEGE OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY , ULSTER UNIVERSITY ,UK Signed MoU with Saveetha Dental College& Hospitals for Student exchange Program & Faculty Exchange Program
Pushpagiri College Of Dental Sciences Signed Mou with Saveetha Dental College& Hospitals for Collaborative Research Projects
Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University, Thailand Signed MoU with Saveetha Dental College& Hospitals for Student exchange Program& Research Collaboration.

Faculty Of Dentistry, Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia Signed MoU with Saveetha Dental College& Hospitals for Student exchange Program.

CEBU Normal University Signed MoU with Saveetha Dental College& Hospitals for Student exchange Program & Faculty Exchange Program

Sri Lalithambigai Medical College and hospital Signed Mou with Saveetha Dental College& Hospitals for Student Training Projects.

SEGi UNIVERSITY SDN BHD, Malaysia signed MoU With Saveetha Dental College and hospitals academic and Research Collaborations.

Tohoko University Graduate School Or Dentistry, Japan signed MoU With Saveetha Dental College and hospitals for Student Exchange Program

Kathmandu University Nepal signed MoU With Saveetha Dental College and hospitals academic and Research Collaborations.

University of Puthisastra, Cambodia Signed MOU with SIMATS for Student Exchange Program & Faculty Exchange program
Inbound Student Exchange Program
Collaborative Learning and research are vital for the Students Society. to enable this platform SIMATS has entered into Student Mobility agreements with various higher educational institutions across the globe.At SIMATS we offer clinical training for Dentistry ,Medicine ,Nursing and Physiotherapy field .We also offer elective rotation program for one semester .Students from UAE ,malaysia ,myanmar ,Australia ,Singapore regularly visit SIMATs for undergoing clinical training .Students visit SIMATS for Collaborative research for their doctoral Thesis and short term projects and publish Jointly in Scopus ,Pubmed and web of Science .
Inbound Student Exchange
Outbound Student Exchange Program
Student exchange agreement is signed with various universities abroad to enrich the global culture .In engineering ,student enrolled t SIMATS can spend a semester abroad with universities in United Kingdom ,united states ,Australia .Saveetha school of Management and Law students can spend a semester abroad in Nottingham Trent University ,Queen Mary university ,Swinburne University ,Murdoch university ,and Various Universities in Malaysia .
Students at SIMATS are allowed to select the university from the Partnership list and identify the suitable courses taken during semester abroad including the semester duration .The office of External Relations will assist in the Smooth Functioning of the Travel Process.
Exchange program /Short term for Dentistry ,Law,Management ,Nursing ,Engineering ,medicine are made available for the students with various foreign Universities .More than 150 students travelled to the countries for the foreign exchange program to Switzerland ,Malaysia ,Thailand ,South korea ,USA ,UK ,Hongkong ,Germany ,Italy ,Australia .
In addition ,Joint supervision and PhD Programs are offered with partnering institutions abroad .
Outbound Student Exchange
International Students Cell (ISC)
Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences has a dedicated cell for International students to provide them academic and personal support. The cell creates a bridge between the students and the administration /management. The Cell provides required guidelines related to the university to the students. SIMATS possess strong international connectivity which is clearly evident from the various international MOUs signed with top universities for exchange programmes including faculty and student exchange. We have a dedicated active international student cell (ISC) explicitly designed to monitor and actively participate in integrating students from several parts of the globe into one student community. SIMATS ISC was initiated in 2012 and has adopted an integrated three-pronged strategy to extend the valuable benefits of the university's programs to international students through academic interactions with students and faculty. The students are exposed to different cultural values, belief systems and behaviours to create oneness and promote contemplation beyond academics. Career support advice and exchange support are the important wings of SIMATS ISC. It also Promotes multi-ethnic culture among the students and encourages them to participate in numerous local cultural events. ISC also mediates student exchange by arranging student exchange between several international universities, aids moral support and academic guidance for Indian students to facilitate their academic voyage. The cell provides the appropriate Information to the students related to
Admission Process
Any Issues on the Certificate Process
Guidance to enroll with Foreign Regional Registration Office (FRRO)
Hostel Accommodation
Issues related to Academic or any Administrative
Redressal of Student Grievances
Any issues related to Official documentation process
Support Services of ISC
VISA Application
Travel Arrangements
Academic Guidance
Referral Contact
For more details or to fix an appointment, you may contact us at our International Student Cell.
International Student Support Coordinator
Dr. Lakshmi Thangavelu, Dean International Affairs
Email- adiasdc@saveetha.com
SIMATS is one of the leading universities in the country with over 200 publications every year. This remarkable output is made possible through our research intensive curriculum. We are proud to have over 2500 high impact publications in reputed journals like nature, lancet etc. This is primarily due to our research oriented curriculum and training. Our rigorous yet robust research programs are known for their high output and efficiency. Therefore we have successfully trained over 1000 research fellows & scholars. We have one of the best patent portfolios in the country. Our patents are diverse, unique and highly innovative leading to a very high translation ratio. SIMATS has invested over 200 crores in numerous research facilities that have created one of Asia's leading research environments.15 products developed, patents and licensed from SIMATS have generated a revenue of over 53 lakhs. We have collaborations across the globe with countries like UK, Australia, USA, Europe, South Korea, Malaysia, Iran, Russia, UAE, Turkey, Cambodia, Canada, Thailand, China, Japan, Chile, South Africa, Ethiopia, Egypt. We have published around 325 international collaborative papers. We have completed multi centric trial with university of Hong-Kong, University of Berkeley, USA.
Mahsa University Malaysia
Ajman University,UAE
Ajman University UAE
Ajman University,UAE
Ajman University UAE

Silpakorn University Thailand
Outbound Student Exchange Program

Zurich University Switzerland

University of Dundee UK

UCLA School of dentistry USA

University of Malaya,Malaysia

Silpakorn University Thailand

Nottingham Trent University UK

Pusan National University South Korea

Nottingham Trent University UK

Gulf Medical University UAE


Kyungpook National University South Korea

Kyungpook National University

Kyungpook National University,Seoul

Ajman University UAE

Gulf Medical University UAE

Griffith University Australia

Griffith University Australia

Gulf Medical University

Griffith University Australia

AIMST University Malaysia

AIMST University Malaysia

Queen Mary university London

AIMST University Malaysia

NTU Global , UK

Queen Mary University London


Business School of Management AIMST university malaysia

Yonsei University Korea

Yonsei University Korea

Swineburne University Australia

Swineburne University Australia

Swineburne University Australia

Swineburne University Australia

Swineburne University Australia

University Sians Malaysia - Malaysia

University Sians Malaysia - Malaysia

University Sians Malaysia - Malaysia

University Sians Malaysia - Malaysia

University Sians Malaysia - Malaysia

Mahidol University - Thailand

Mahidol University - Thailand

Mahidol University - Thailand

Mahidol University - Thailand

Mahidol University - Thailand

Ajman University - UAE

Ajman University - UAE

Ajman University - UAE
Credit Courses

Credit Course on Theranostic Drug Delivery System by Dr.Kamal Dua and Dr.Kyile Williams ,UTS , Australia

Nano Drug Delivery Credit Course by Dr.Sheeba David , UBD Brunei

Course on Molecular Biology by Dr.Moorthy Ponuswamy University of Nebraska,USA

Credit Course in Paediatric Dentistry by Dr.Gulcan , Turkey

credit Course on Rotary Endodontics by Dr. Moataz Alkhawas , Egypt

Credit course on Oral Medicine Radiology by Dr.Nathaniel Simon Treister , Uiversity of Harvard , USA
Dr John Timothy Wright
University of North Carolina,Chapel Hill,NC 27599-7450
Dr John Timothy Wright, D.D.S., M.S., a paediatric dentist and professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Adams School of Dentistry was appointed to become the next editor in chief of The Journal of the American Dental Association(JADA).Dr. Wright is the James Bawden Distinguished Professor at the School of Dentistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Adams, where he previously served as chair of the department of paediatric dentistry, interim chair of the department of endodontics, and director of strategic initiatives. Dr. Wright has held offices of national distinction, having served as vice president and then president of the American Association for Dental Research (AADR). A three-time recipient of AADR’s prestigious Gies Award, Dr. Wright has also received the Distinguished Science Award presented by the International Association of Dental Research. Dr. Wright currently serves the ADA as a member of the ADA’s Dental Quality Alliance; he previously served as chair of the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs.
Dr Nathaniel Simon Treister,
Associate Professor of Oral Medicine, Infection, and Immunity
Division of Oral Medicine and Dentistry, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston
Dr. Treister is Chief of the Divisions of Oral Medicine and Dentistry at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Treister earned his DMD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and subsequently completed his Oral Medicine certificate and Oral Biology doctoral training at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, where he is an Associate Professor of Oral Medicine in the Department of Oral Medicine, Infection and Immunity. He is board certified in Oral Medicine and practices at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute with special interest in oral mucosal diseases, salivary gland diseases, and oral complications in cancer patients. He has published extensively in the field of oral medicine with an emphasis on oral complications of hematopoietic cell transplantation and chronic graft-versus-host disease. Dr. Treister is currently director of HSDM's advanced graduate education oral medicine program.
Dr Michael Botelho,
Associate Professor at Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hongkong
Dr. Michael Botelho working as a Associate Professor at faculty of dentistry, The University of Hongkong. His field of interest and expertise in dental education e-learning about prosthodontics resin bonded bridges. He has done the publications related to Silver compounds used in dentistry for caries management, inhibitory effects on selected oral bacteria of antibacterial agents incorporated in a glass ionomer cement.
Dr S Anil Sukumaran,
Hamad Medical Corporation | HMC · Department of Dentistry-Oral Health Institute ,Saudi Arabia
Anil Sukumaran obtained his PhD in Periodontics /Oral Microbiology from the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. He is currently Professor of Periodontology and Community Dentistry at the King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Anil published several articles in peer-reviewed journals. He currently serves as Editor for the 15 National and International Journals. He is also an External Reviewer for a number of journals, including Saudi Dental Journal and Saudi Dental Journal. Dr. Anil is an invited speaker to a number of national and international conferences and scientific meetings. He has presented seminars, lectures, continuing education programs and courses in Periodontology, Prosthodontics, and Oral Microbiology.
Research Interest
Immunology of Periodontal Disease, Oral manifestations of HIV Infection, Periodontal Disease and Systemic Conditions and diabetes Mellitus and Periodontal Disease.
Dr Subratha Saha,
Affiliate Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry
Affiliate Instructor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
School of Dentistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Dr. Subrata Saha is presently a Research Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Florida International University in Miami, Florida and an Affiliated Professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry and the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Washington, in Seattle, Washington.
He was previously the Director of Musculoskeletal Research and Research Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation Medicine, and the Director of the Biomedical Engineering Program in the School of Graduate Studies at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York. Previously, he was a faculty member at Loma Linda University, Clemson University, Alfred University, and Yale University.
Dr. Saha is presently the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Medical Implants & Devices and was an Associate Editor of the Annals of Biomedical Engineering and Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs. He has been a Member of the Editorial Boards of many journals, including Journal of Biomedical Materials Research; Medical Engineering and Physics; Journal of Applied Biomaterials; Medical Design and Material; Biomaterials, Artificial Cells, and Immobilization Biotechnology; Biomaterials, Medical Device and Artificial Organs; Journal of Bioengineering, Biotelemetry and Patient Monitoring; Journal of Basic & Applied Biomedicine and TM Journal.
Dr Kamal Dua,
Department of Pharmacology,
University of Technology Sydney,
15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007,
Dr. Kamal Dua holds two doctoral degrees ( Pharmaceutical Sciences and immunology and Microbiology). Dr. Dua has also completed four professional diplomas in the areas of Clinical Research, Product Development, Drug Regulatory Affairs and Documentation and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Dr. Dua’s professional experience spans over 13 years in academia and research across 3 nations and 2 continents. Throughout his career, Dr. Dua have had the opportunity to work with various pharmacy schools at national and international level. This allowed him to master different modes of innovative and engaging approach to teaching. Further, with skills acquired as part of his core specialisation in Pharmaceutical Technology and intensive training in fundamental and modern principles of the heavily regulated pharmaceutical industry including Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Dr. Dua now lead the suite of GMP courses offered at the Graduate School of Health, UTS. As a Program Coordinator, his responsibilities include coordinating the academic and research activities associated with the GMP courses.
Dr Ahamed Abouelnour,
Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine,
A1-Azhar University, Cario, Egypt
Dr. Ahmed Abouelnour working in Orthodontics department at A1 Azhar University, Egypt since 2013. He is Teaching Orthodontics subject for Postgraduate Dental Students. He is expertise in Diagnostic imaging, Radiography, Digital Radiography.
Dr Ali Celik,
Biology Dept,Science and Arts Faculty, Pamukkale University, Turkey
Dr. Ali Celik currently works at the Department of Biology, Pamukkale University. Ali does research in Medicinal plants, Phytochemistry, Ethnobotany, Ecology and Plant systematics (Taxonomy). Their current projects are "Systematic Revisions on Bellevalia and Gypsophila" and "The role of genetics and ecology in the evolution and distribution of Brassicaceae annuals".
Dr Adith Venugopal,
University of Puthisastra,
Phnom Penh
Dr. Aditya Venugopal is currently a Clinical instructor and Assistant Professor of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics at the University of Puthisastra, Phnom Penth and a distinguished adjunct faculty of orthodontics at Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai, India'. He also holds a private practice at Pachem Dental Clinic, Phnom Penh where he practices exclusive Labial, Lingual & Aligner therapy.
Dr. Adith Venugopal has completed his Ph.D in Orthodontics from Kyungpook National University in South Korea under the eminent Prof HEe-Moon Kyung. He has completed his Clinical M.S. with an outstanding Graduate Student Award in Orthodontics from the University of the East (2014), Manila. HE earned a bachelor’s degree in dentistry (B.D.S) (Honors) from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India.
He has published several scientific studies and clinical reports in international peer reviewed scientific and has been an invited keynote speaker at many orthodontic congresses.
Dr Thottala Jayaraman,
University of Pittsburgh,3501 Terrace Street,
Pittsburgh,PA 15261
Dr. Jayaraman research is focused on three specific areas: 1) the regulation of acidic phosphoproteins by phosphorylation during bio-mineralization in dentin and bone; 2) the role of calcium binding phospholipids in vascular calcification; and 3) the role of intracellular calcium in pancreatitis. While intra- and extracellular lipids appear to play an important role in both physiological and pathological processes, detailed information on the calcium binding bioactive lipids in mineralizing cell types would advance our understanding of their role in bone and dentine formation. Dr. Jayaraman serves as a Reviewer for several journals, namely, the Journal of Dental Research, the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Scientific Reports and the Journal of Neurological Sciences.
Dr Prithiviraj Jeyaraman,
Melaka Manipal Medical College, Malaysia
Dr. Prithiviraj has a rich clinical and teaching experience of more than 25 years. He obtained his undergraduate degree in 1987 and obtained his orthodontic specialty MDS from India in 1991. He went to John Radcliffe hospital, Oxford, UK to do his advanced training in Pre adjusted Edgewise Appliance system. He has been a postgraduate guide and has lectured in various national and international forums. He has been teaching at The VMS Dental College,Salem, India. He has also worked as a Faculty in the Department of Children’ s Dentistry and Orthodontics,University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur and has also headed the Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Melaka Manipal Medical College Melaka, Malaysia. He has many national and international publications. He has to his credit MFDSRCPS, conferred by The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasglow. He is a fellow of ITI from Switzerland and a fellow and master of ICOI. He is also the first person to launch and practice the all new Advanced Smile Design Appliance INSIGNIA, in Malaysia. He is having his private practice in Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
Dr Ashok Iyaswamy,
Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Dr. Ashok Iyaswamy working at Mr.& Mrs.Ko Chi- Ming Centre for Parkinson’s Disease Research, Neurodegenerative Disease Division, School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University. He is expertise in Neurodegenerative diseases Autophagy ROS & Oxidative stress.
Dr Thameem Dheen S,
Head of the Department,Dept of Anatomy,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine,
National University of Singapore,
Dr. Thameen Dheen working at National University of Singapore. He is expertise in microglia neuroinflammation neuro development maternal diabetes and neural stem cells. Dr. Dheen having more than 5000 citation and his key publication titled “Microglial activation and its implications in the brain diseases, Interactions of chemokines and chemokine receptors mediate the migration of mesenchymal stem cells to the impaired site in the brain after hypoglossal nerve injury and Metallothionein 2A expression is associated with cell proliferation in breast cancer”.
Dr Balamurali Krishnan,
Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea
Dr. Balamurali Krishnan working in Assistant Professor at Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea. He is expertise Bioactive compounds from natural sources. Expertise in Cancer Biology, Molecular Biology, Veterinary medicine and cytogentics.
Dr Chandrasekaran M,
Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Sejong University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Dr. M. Chandrasekaran working at Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Sejong University. He is expertise in Microbiology and plant sciences related works. He has done the publication in the field of Chitosan nanoparticles, metal analysis effects on plants growth on salt stress condition and Gene expression related research. .
Dr Hemanth Tumkur Lakshmikantha,
Department of Orthodontics, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea
Dr. Hemanth Tumkur Lakshmikantha, received his Ph.D. degree in Orthodontics with an emphasis on Orthodontic diagnosis from Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea. His research interests lie in the broad areas of Orthodontic diagnostics and Orthodontics biomaterials. Specifically, his research focuses on the following areas: (1) Incorporation of Optical Coherence Tomography into chairside orthodontic diagnosis, (2) Development of non-ionising systems to scan and assimilate data in dental diagnosis and research, (3) Development of drug delivery systems that can be used to accelerate Orthodontic treatment, (4) Evaluation of Orthodontic microimplant stability using OCT techniques. Dr. Hemanth Tumkur Lakshmikantha has published original research articles in scientific journals such as Scientific Reports, Nature publishing and other numerous articles in other SCI and Scopus indexed journals and is currently involved in grant based research involving Optical Coherence Tomography utilization in various aspects of dentistry in South Korea.
Dr Khamis Gabllah,
Department of Orthodontics, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea
Dr. Kamis Gaballah is currently Associate Professor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Ajamn University, UAE. Since graduation on 1993 Dr. Gallah showed a great interest in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for which he was extensively trained and practiced in many countries including Libya, Egypt, Ireland, United Kingdom, Norway and UAE. During his surgical training he was awarded with the fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in both England and Ireland. Dr. Gaballah was also formally trained in Oral Medicine at the Trinity College Dublin of the Ireland. Up on his completion of the Professional surgical training and practicing for several years in the field, he has joined the University of London for intensive and novel research on the cancer gene therapy. His research work focussed on the use of the tissue engineering, virus mediated gene therapy for head and neck cancer and oral potentially malignant lesions and also the inhibition of angiogenesis to prevent the recurrence of head and neck cancer in surgically treated patients.
Dr Indulekha Singaravelu,
Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
University of Cincinnati,Cincinnati, Ohio
Dr. Indulekha Singaravelu working at Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Cincinnati. She is expertise in Biomaterials, Drug delivery, Nano medicine, Polymer hydrogels and cancer theranostics. Her highest citation paper worked on Efficacy of tetracycline encapsulated O-carboxymethyl chitosan nanoparticles against intracellular infections of Staphylococcus aureus
Dr Kathiresh Kumar Mani,
Robert C. Byrd Biotechnology Center, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine,Marshall University,1600, 3rd Avenue, Huntington, West Virginia, USA
Dr. Kathiresh Kumar Mani working at Marshall University, USA. He is expertise in Reproductive toxicology, embryo toxicity and inflammatory bowl syndrome. He has done the Publication related to toxicological research, Chemico Biological interaction and Journal of endocrinology reproductive Journals.
Dr Khor Goot Heah,
Universiti Teknologi MARA,Selangor Branch,
Sungai Buluh Campus, Selangor, Malaysia
DR Khor Goot Heah working at Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Teknologi MARA. She is expertise in Oral Sciences, Molecular Biology, Molecular Oncology. She has published the research work related to Overexpression of MMP13 is associated with clinical outcomes and poor prognosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma, Human papilloma virus 18 detection in oral squamous cell carcinoma and potentially malignant lesions using saliva samples and p53 Expression as a marker of microinvasion in oral squamous cell carcinoma
Dr Kylie Williams,
University of Technology Sydney,15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia
Dr. Kylie Williams working as Professor at University of Technology Sydney. Dr. Kylie expertise in the field of pharmaceutical research. She has done the publication related to Efficacy, tolerability, and dose-dependent effects of opioid analgesics for low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Practice change in community pharmacy: quantification of facilitators and Understanding practice change in community pharmacy: a qualitative study in Australia.
Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Bin Abu Hassan,
Universiti Teknologi MARA Kampus UiTM Sungai Buloh 47000 Sungai Buloh Selangor, Malaysia
Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Bin Abu Hassan working as Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Dean at Universiti Teknologi MARA. He is expertise and working on Effect of Hypoxia on the Induction of Premature Cellular Senescence in the Cells of Periodontium during Orthodontic Tooth Loading and Dental Caries and Vitamin D Status among Children in Asia and Motivating Factors and Effectiveness of Problem-based Learning in Dental Education.
Dr Muralidharan Anbalagan,
Universiti Teknologi MARA Kampus UiTM Sungai Buloh 47000 Sungai Buloh Selangor, Malaysia
Dr. Muralidharan Anbalagan working as Assistant Professor at Structural & Cellular Biology and Director for Pre-clinical small animal Imaging Facility. He is working on the molecular biology of prostate cancer and the role of calcitonin and its receptor. Further, the effects of the novel peptidomimetic dual Src and pretubulin inhibitor KX-01 in experimental models of breast cancer. Dr. Anbalagan gained experience using mouse xenograft and bone metastatic cancer models, imaging small animals (bioluminescent, fluorescent and X-Ray) and various molecular techniques.
Dr Pathiyil Ravi Shankar,
American International Medical University,
Beausejour, Gros Islet, Saint Lucia
Dr. Pathiyil Ravi Shankar working at American International Medical University. His research interest on Rational use of medicines, medical education and medical humanities. His Publication titled Psychological morbidity, sources of stress and coping strategies among undergraduate medical students of Nepal got more than 600 citation. He published the article related to Care seeking behaviour for childhood illness-a questionnaire survey and Self-medication and non-doctor prescription practices.
Dr Lee Soon Boon,
Private Practitioner -Implantologist, Malaysia
Dr Lee Soon Boon graduated in 1989 as the top dentistry scholar with a gold medal award from University Malaya, a premier dental university in Malaysia. He was elected as the President of the Malaysian Dental Association in 2010-2011 as well as being appointed during that period as the Member of the Malaysian Dental Council. He was also elected as the Vice President of the Commonwealth Dental Association in 2009. Dr Lee earned his Master of Science in Implant Dentistry from the Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick in England in 2009
Dr Lee expertise is in dental implantology and a pioneer in embracing the modern digital implant dentistry in Malaysia within his few dental implant centres in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In recognition of his vast experience and in-depth knowledge in digital implant, he was appointed as a Senior Clinical Lecturer for Master of Science Implant Dentistry program in University of Central Lancashire England as well as a key opinion leader for many world reputable dental implant institutions. He is currently a Visiting Professor for Saveetha Dental College and Hospital as well as an Adjunct Honorary Lecturer in MAHSA University in Malaysia, teaching in the post graduate Master’s program.
Dr Sheba Rani Nakka David,
Senior Assistant Professor, Institute of Health Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei
Dr. Sheba working as Senior Assistant Professor, Institute of Health Sciences, Universiti Brunei. In 2008 Dr David worked as a Post-Doctoral Scientist fellow at the University of Geneva, Switzerland in Professor Kaliaâ’s laboratory where she developed expertise in laser-assisted transdermal drug delivery system techniques. She worked in the School of Pharmacy, International Medical University (IMU), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Dr Sheba currently holds the position of Senior Assistant Professor in the Institute of Health Sciences Universiti Brunei Darussalam. Her interests are in Pharmacy, Biomedical and Medical Education.
Dr Shenuka Singh,
University of Kwa Zulu- Natal
Durban, South Africa
Dr. Shenuka singh working at University of KwaZulu-Natal. She is expertise and research interest in dental public health. She is published the research in Primary health services at district level in South Africa: a critique of the primary health care approach, Policy analysis of oral health promotion and Contextualising the role of the gatekeeper in social science research.
Dr Sri Renuka Devi Baluswamy,
Department of Food Science and Biotechnology,
Sejong University, Seoul, Korea
Dr. Sri Renukadevi Balusamy working as Assistant Professor at Sejong University,Seoul,Korea. Dr. Sri Renukadevi expertise inCancer Biology, Obesity and Plant microbe interaction. Published the research work related to A growth promoting bacteria, Paenibacillus yonginensis DCY84T enhanced salt stress tolerance by activating defense-related systems in Panax ginseng and Influence of potassium nitrate on antioxidant level and secondary metabolite genes under cold stress in Panax ginseng
Dr Mallineni Sreekanth Kumar,
Associate Professor at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Majmaah University, KSA
Dr. Mallineni Sreekanth Kumar graduated from Narayana Dental College and Hospital, India. Upon graduation, he pursued Masters's from Worlds'prestigeous Institute, The University of Hong Kong, in Paediatric Dentistry. He has conferred with many awards that include Young Pedodontist Researcher Award-2017, Academician of the Year - 2017, Outstanding Dentist of the Year-2018 (Jury), Young Researcher in Pediatric Dentistry-2020, and many more. Dr. Mallineni is serving as an academic editor and part of the editorial board in many peer-reviewed journals. He has also authored numerous articles in various national and international journals. Dr.Mallineni has received many research grants in the field of Pediatric Dentistry. He has given many talks on various national and international platforms. Dr. Mallineni does workshops on Research Methodology, Oral Health Promotion and sedation (Inhalation), and Special Care dentistry. He has been a consultant in pediatric hospitals in and around his province. He is a founding member and Joint Secretary of the global association Federation of the Special care Dentistry. Dr. Mallineni currently working as an Associate Professor at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Majmaah University, KSA. His philosophy is "prevention is always economical and painless strategy"
Dr Vijaya Prakash Krishnan Muthiah,
Assistant Professor (Rehabilitation Sciences)
University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, US
Dr. Vijaya Prakash working as Assistant Professor, University at Buffalo. He is expertise in Neurodegeneration, Neurotoxicity , occupational hazards and neurorehabilitation and Synaptic Plasticity. He is handling major funding for the research work titled Potential of inhibition of poly ADP-ribose polymerase as a therapeutic approach in blast-induced cochlear and brain injury.
Prof. Dr Liviu Steier,
Adj. Professor at University of Pennsylvania- Dental School , USA
Dr. Steier has been practicing dentistry in Germany for over thirty years. He is a specialist in prosthodontics and in endodontics with a host of both research and practice experience spanning over thirty years in both the US and in Europe. As part of his work, he has served as Clinical and Course Director at Warwick University in Coventry, England, as Member of the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, Scotland, as Course Leader MsC program at the University of Manchester, England, and as Visiting Professor at University of Florence, School of Dental Medicine, Italy, and at the Tufts University, School of Dental Medicine in Boston, MA. Dr. Steier serves currently as Adj. Professor at University of Pennsylvania – Dental School in the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences, Robert Schattner Center, University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine. In the US, he was appointed Scientific Advisory Board Member for the Journal of Endodontics, and he has served as Editor, Editor-in-Chief and Reviewer of a multitude of peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Dental Education. He has also been a long-standing member of the American Academy of Periodontology and the American Association of Endodontists. Dr. Steier is an internationally recognized lecturer known for his hands-on teaching style, innovative spirit, and both his breadth and depth of knowledge. He has co-developed several breakthrough technologies in caries detection, prevention, and therapy. His award-winning work and numerous publications have been distinguished by authorities in the field around the globe and he continues to make outstanding contributions in both practice and scholarship that have received widespread acclaim by clinicians and scientists across the board (one his recent webinars were viewed over 20.000 times).
Dr Dinesh Kumar Chellappan,
International Medical University, Malaysia
Currently Working currently as a senior lecturer in the School of Pharmacy at the International Medical University (IMU), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Have more than 12 years of teaching experience in the current profession. Key areas involve research international research collaborations with the University of Technology Sydney, Australia with Prof Philip Michael Hansbro (Respiratory research) and Dr Kamal Dua (Respiratory research), University of Newcastle, Australia, with Dr Alan Hsu and Prof Peter Wich (Respiratory research), Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, with Dr Trudi Collet (Natural products and inflammation research), University of Tasmania, Australia with Dr Vanni Caruso (Inflammation research) and Ulster University, UK, with Dr Murtaza Tambuwala (Drug delivery research). Key academic collaborations are with University of Strathclyde, UK and with La Trobe University, Australia. Completed PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, from the Manipal University, India in 2009. Prior to that did Masters in Pharmacy from the same university. Worked on several research projects especially in the field of diabetes and treatment for diabetes. Published more than 100 publications in reputed national and international research journals with cumulative impact factor of >200. Have also presented a number of papers at conferences and have won Best Poster Awards and Best Oral Awards. Have won key Leadership Awards at University level both in Community Engagement (2017) and Research Output (2018 and 2019). Have received research grants, both national and international, to conduct research. Have been on the editorial board of several research journals and is the reviewer of several journals.
Dr. Ashokkumar Veeramuthu,
Research Professor , Department of Chemical Technology, Chulangkorn University, Bangkok
Dr. Ashokkumar Veeramuthu received his Ph.D. from the University of Madras, Chennai, India, in 2014. During his Ph.D. period, he was awarded an Indo-Australian fellowship and visited Adelaide University, Australia. as a visiting scientist. He received his M. Phil & M.Sc., degree in Biotechnology from Indian universities. Currently, he is working as a Research Professor in the Department of Chemical Technology, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. He worked as a Postdoctoral Scientist at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Technology Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia. As a visiting scientist, he visited the National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore. Also, he worked as a Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. In 2019, he visited European universities under the Marie Curie Fellowship scheme. He was also the visiting professor at University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He serves as the Managing Guest Editor in many Elsevier journals (Fuel (IF 5.7), Journal of Biotechnology (IF-3.52), Environmental Technology and Innovation (IF-3.4)) and Springer journals. Besides, he also served as an associate editor and editorial board member in scientific journals. He is an active member of the World Bioenergy Association and other scientific societies. Dr. Ashokkumar has published more than 60 peer-reviewed international journal articles and two book chapters. He is an active reviewer for many high-impact journals published by Elsevier, Springer Nature, RSC and ACS publishers. He has more than 12 years of research experience in the field of Energy and Environment at both the academic and industrial levels.