Strategy Development and Deployment

To achieve the vision and mission of SIMATS and to identify and determine the future goals of the organisation, we established a 4 step process to achieve a successful strategic management.

1. Developing a Strategic Goal

Over the past 5 years, SIMATS engaged in establishing robust systems to improve the academic and research performance of the constituent colleges to achieve the following strategic goal. β€œTo improve the standing of SIMATS among national and global universities (to be recognised for excellence in academics and research)” 

2. Developing the Resources and Tools: 

  • We Developed ARMS Software for holistic e-governance of the University. This collects all academic achievements of all students and faculty, making it easier to collate our data for accreditation. 

  • The institution formulated a CAFE (Continuous Annual Faculty Assessment) score  (Expanding the traditional API)

  • We Established office of Dean of Accreditation with a Dean to report directly to the Vice Chancellor. This office has exclusive access to all institutional data and directly coordinates all coordinators to collect collate data beyond those covered in our ARMS.

  • To further harmonise the process the powers of the office of accreditation are integrated IQAC, ETU and Accreditation coordinators across the university.  

3. Team Development

  • Decentralizations for efficient monitoring and performance at university level with the help of meetings conducted at various levels.

  • Infrastructure development - Purchase of sophisticated equipments

  • Internal department ranking

  • Founders days awards and incentives. 

  • Single point of data collections and entry. 

With the aid of all the resources, to become a high performing university we have initiated decentralization in our governing council. The university operates by a strong governance which includes the active participation of students, stakeholders and the governing bodies. All the university operations are headed by the vice chancellor. The deans of the entire institution are overseen by the director and registrar. Every institution has associate deans and two heads (Administrative and Academic) for every department. The teaching and non-teaching faculty are headed by their respective heads of the departments. With all the fundings and grants provided, the university has reshaped into a global level educational institute with top level rankings. To create a competitive spirit among all the departments every year at the founders day celebrations we provide rankings and awards to all the departments at university level, based on their achievements.

4. Review 

To assess the progress of our organization, we conduct review analysis at the institution level. Also to create a sportive & competitive environment within the departments we have created a ranking system in relation to the academics, research, innovations, extracurricular activities etc., which undergoes a weekly modification accordingly.

  • Weekly departments scoring review. 

  • Perceptions.

  • Performance analysis on various rankings.

  • Modification of ranking parameters. 

All the above modifications while deploying our strategy, have taken us to a higher platform in various fields at national and international platforms. One of our recent achievements is an incredible incline in NIRF ranking from 55 to 29 which provides strong evidence towards the development of our strategic plan.